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1 熱電廠煙氣脫硫除塵現(xiàn)狀

Current situation of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants
1.1 除塵效果差,脫硫效率低
1.1 Poor dust removal effect and low desulfurization efficiency
The flue gas treatment in thermal power plants mainly includes several aspects: direct treatment, fossil fuel application, and fuel treatment. During the production and operation of thermal power plants, flue gas is often desulfurized before fuel combustion. However, due to the many problems in the application of desulfurization and dust removal technology and the limitations of related application conditions, the desulfurization and dust removal effect of thermal power plants is poor. Meanwhile, the combustion process of fossil fuels generates a large amount of sulfur dioxide and dust. Fossil fuel combustion desulfurization is the key to flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants. However, many thermal power plants have low sulfur removal efficiency and often cannot meet the sulfur removal technology standards. In addition, after the combustion of fossil fuels, some thermal power plants treat dust and sulfides in the flue gas. However, due to technological limitations and the need for many supporting facilities, thermal power plants often find it difficult to meet the requirements of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, and cannot directly remove and remove dust from the flue gas.
1.2 技術(shù)創(chuàng)新不足
1.2 Insufficient technological innovation
In recent years, coal fossil fuels have gradually been replaced by electric energy, and many coal-fired boilers are no longer able to meet the needs of power production. The application and promotion of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology are greatly limited. Compared with developed countries, there is still a gap in production technology for thermal power plants in China. Due to insufficient technological innovation, the flue gas desulfurization and dust removal treatment effect of thermal power plants is poor, making it difficult for them to control the sulfur content of flue gas.
1.3 資金投入不足
1.3 Insufficient capital investment
Many thermal power plants have insufficient investment in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, and many production and operation equipment are relatively backward, with slow updates. Due to the lack of investment funds, there are many difficulties in the application of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, which directly affects the effectiveness of flue gas separation and dust removal in thermal power plants.
2 熱電廠煙氣脫硫除塵技術(shù)
2. Desulfurization and dust removal technology for flue gas in thermal power plants
2.1 濕法脫硫除塵
2.1 Wet desulfurization and dust removal
(1) Magnesium oxide method. The magnesium oxide method mainly uses magnesium oxide slurry for desulfurization of flue gas. The chemical reaction between the flue gas of a thermal power plant and the magnesium oxide slurry will produce * and sub *, which are then combined with carbon powder to produce magnesium oxide through reduction. This magnesium oxide desulfurization method can obtain sulfur dioxide and can be directly processed into sulfuric acid.
(2) Lime milk method. The flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants adopts the lime milk method, which can undergo two chemical reactions. On the one hand, sulfur dioxide and lime undergo a chemical reaction to produce calcium sulfite; On the other hand, in the air environment, calcium sulfate is generated after contact with oxygen and calcium sulfite. The application of this lime milk method in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants not only has an easy source of raw materials and simple operation, but also has a simple desulfurization process and lower cost. In practical applications, attention should be paid to the utilization of calcium sulfate and equipment scaling issues.
(3) Sodium sulfite method. The application of sodium sulfite method in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal mainly utilizes Na2CO3 solution, sulfur dioxide and Na2CO3 solution to undergo chemical reaction, generating sodium bisulfite and sodium sulfite. Sodium bisulfite and sodium sulfite can be directly dissolved in water, without causing scaling problems in desulfurization and dust removal equipment. However, sulfite cannot be recycled and can only be converted into waste gas liquid.
2.2 干法脫硫除塵
2.2 Dry desulfurization and dust removal
(1) Zeolite adsorption. Zeolite adsorption is an important dry flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, which mainly includes cooling, regeneration, desorption, adsorption and other links. In practical applications, the process of zeolite adsorption flue gas desulfurization and dust removal is relatively simple, and there are no problems such as equipment scaling and wastewater sludge. According to the requirements of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in thermal power plants, dry air is used to blow and wash the flue gas in a 320 degree Celsius environment, It can achieve the recycling and reuse of zeolite, not only achieving good desulfurization effect, but also lower production cost.
(2) Spray drying. The spray drying method is used for flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in the thermal power plant. Sulfur dioxide and lime milk are converted into calcium sulfite after chemical reaction, so as to realize flue gas desulfurization in the thermal power plant. Through spray, lime milk and sulfur dioxide are fully contacted, so that chemical reaction can occur. The calcium sulfite produced can also be recycled by using relevant equipment after drying. In the practical application of spray drying treatment method, the process flow is simple, the operation cost and application cost are low, the relevant desulfurization equipment will not scale, and has a high desulfurization efficiency. However, when this method is applied, the sludge and wastewater treatment in the later period should be done well.
(3) Activated coke adsorption. Activated coke is an important adsorbent with superior adsorption capacity and performance, as well as good thermal stability. Even when placed in a high temperature environment of 800 degrees Celsius, this activated coke adsorbent can remain undamaged, resulting in sustained adsorption activity. By applying activated coke adsorbent in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants, the adsorbed sulfur dioxide can be directly processed into sulfuric acid. In practical applications, this activated coke can not only serve as an adsorbent, but also as a catalyst, with high application value.
2.3 干濕結(jié)合脫硫除塵
2.3 Dry wet combined desulfurization and dust removal
The application of wet dry combined desulfurization and dust removal technology in flue gas desulfurization and dust removal in thermal power plants effectively combines wet and dry methods. By establishing a vertical tower, this wet dry combination has a high effect on flue gas desulfurization and dust removal, which is very suitable for small and medium-sized coal-fired boiler flue gas treatment. However, thermal power plants need to increase capital investment, increase analysis and research on wet dry combined desulfurization and dust removal, and promote its wider application.
3 熱電廠煙氣脫硫除塵技術(shù)應(yīng)用發(fā)展
Development of application of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in 3 thermal power plants
3.1 加強技術(shù)管理
3.1 Strengthen technical management
Currently, many thermal power plants in China are still using small and medium-sized coal-fired boilers. Therefore, relevant departments should increase their analysis and research on flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology for small and medium-sized coal-fired boilers, and timely make up for the problems of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal. Relevant personnel should strengthen the management of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, actively develop and improve existing technologies, and further enrich desulfurization and dust removal technology. They should carefully study the drawbacks of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology and develop new flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technologies based on the specific production and operation of special power plants.
3.2 加大技術(shù)創(chuàng)新
3.2 Increase technological innovation
The application and development of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in thermal power plants must solve the problem of equipment anti-corrosion. Therefore, relevant enterprises should focus on researching the anti-corrosion performance of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment. In order to further improve the anti-corrosion performance of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment, the anti-corrosion properties of equipment application materials should be carefully studied, and the actual anti-corrosion performance of different application materials should be comprehensively considered. corrosion-resistant materials and equipment should be selected to extend the service life of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment, Reasonable and effective supporting measures can also be taken based on the operational performance of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment, such as placing organic coatings on the surface of equipment materials and using fiberglass materials. This method can effectively prevent corrosion of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment and will not cause equipment scaling problems.
3.3 加大資金投入
3.3 Increase capital investment
In order to further promote the application and promotion of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology in thermal power plants, it is necessary to increase investment in this area, strengthen the sense of responsibility of thermal power plants, attach great importance to flue gas desulfurization and dust removal issues, equip * flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment according to the actual production and operation of thermal power plants, introduce professional technical personnel and R&D personnel, and actively adjust the flue gas desulfurization and dust removal plan of thermal power plants, Establish dedicated research and development funds for flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology, improve relevant supporting facilities, and continuously improve the level of flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology.

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