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Biogas is a mixed gas produced during anaerobic fermentation of organic matter, mainly composed of methane, followed by various gases such as hydrogen sulfide, water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc., such as small amounts of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Biogas can be used as a clean and renewable biomass energy source because methane is also a major component of natural gas, which is easy to burn, has a high calorific value, and does not produce smoke and dust during combustion.
Biogas desulfurization and biogas purification and purification are actually the processes of removing toxic and harmful gases as well as useless gases from biogas. Desulfurization refers to the removal of hydrogen sulfide, while purification and purification try to remove other gases as much as possible in order to retain only methane gas. Therefore, biogas desulfurization is actually one of the links in biogas purification and purification.
At present, biogas purification and purification mainly include desulfurization, decarbonization, and dehydration in order to obtain high-purity methane and improve the hot sales of biogas. So, do all biogas projects need biogas purification and purification?
In fact, this is not necessary. Currently, the application of biogas is mainly in the civilian field, including household biogas stoves, biogas boilers in breeding farms or farms, or biogas power generation. These biogas projects do not require high purity of methane in biogas, and only simple desulfurization and dehydration are needed. After removing hydrogen sulfide and water vapor from biogas, it can be burned and used normally. If biogas needs to be integrated into the natural gas pipeline network, higher purity methane is required, which requires further removal of carbon dioxide, organic halides, and other impurities.
In practical applications, the purification equipment for biogas is also selected based on the engineering purpose. Small biogas projects often choose to use dry desulfurization, which has a simple equipment structure and almost does not require manual maintenance for daily use. Only regular replacement or regeneration of the desulfurizer is needed. Large and medium-sized biogas projects tend to choose the biological desulfurization method. Although its equipment cost is high and requires dedicated maintenance, the removal rate of hydrogen sulfide is higher, and the processing capacity per unit time is larger, making it more suitable for such large-scale biogas projects. An effective plan.

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